Why early care and learning matters


Whole Families benefit from access to quality, affordable early care and education.

For parents and caregivers, access to affordable childcare is crucial to finding and maintaining employment or postsecondary education. High-quality childcare gives adults the space they need to take steps forward, academically or on the job.

However, many Hoosier families can’t access or afford childcare, which is impeding the economic mobility of individuals and families while also holding back Indiana’s employers and the state’s economic development prospects by contributing to talent shortages in the workforce.

Indiana Early Learning Advisory Committee’s 2022 Report

Want to learn more about high-quality education programs in your county?


Check out ELAC’s interactive dashboard of county level early care and education data.

The State of Access to Early Education in Indiana

Access to quality early childhood education varies greatly between communities in Indiana. Check out Early Learning Indiana’s report Closing the Gap: An Assessment of Indiana’s Early Learning Opportunities to find an in-depth analysis of the state of access in your community and across Indiana.   

Long-term Effects of Preschool

A May 2021 study authored by researchers at MIT Department of Economics and the National Bureau of Economic Research found that preschool enrollment boosts college attendance and high school graduation rates and decreases juvenile incarceration. Click here to read the full report: The Long-Term Effects of Universal Preschool in Boston.

A multi-year study from the Purdue Center for Early Learning found that children who attend the On My Way Pre-K program have stronger school readiness, language and literacy skills than their peers with similar family incomes who attend lower quality childcare or prekindergarten programs. What’s more, these gains continue through the third and fourth grades.

Click here to view the study.

Click here to read FSSA’s news release about the results.

Purdue University study shows On My Way Pre-K children outperform peers well into elementary school